In chapter 5 and 6 of "Tubes", Blum finally dives more into what actually makes the Internet the Internet. He talks about the different pieces and their functions by putting their functions into fairly basic language. He also talks about how all this equipment and power is ultimately invisible to us and the only way to truly grasp what goes on "behind the scenes" is to educate yourself and imagine it. Something I have noticed about Blum's writing, especially in Chapter 5 is his attention to detail and imagery in his writing. You can tell that through all of his research he relied on his imagination to understand things that he had little knowledge on. In the video I linked below is a summery of essentially chapter 5 and the explanation of getting from point A to be B.
Finally, in chapter 6 Blum focuses on the underground tubes and talks more about how the power of imagination has lead him to believe that these underwater tubes are one of the most magical aspects of the Internet. One of the key players in these magical tubes was Simon Cooper. Cooper helped develop the connections that reach us around the world. Blum goes on about the geography of the tubes and how strategically they are place.
Again these two chapters were confusing and left me with more questions then answers. I feel like overtime I finish a chapter I realize how little about the Internet I really knew, but also helps me see the gaps I had put in place about concepts I had never really took much time to learn about. Some questions I have are:
1. In the world, nations often fight about land and property. As we move forward in the development of the Internet how do we make sure these battle over whose tubes or who don't develop into a major issue?
2. My topic for the upcoming project is Social Networks. We rely heavily on Social Networks to connect us to be people all over the world and for a lot of people, the main use for the internet. If we didn't have these ways of communication would the Internet be as valuable to us? Because we rely so heavily on the underwater tubes for communication should we take more priority in understanding how they work and where they are?